You Can Make Peace With Porn.

Making Peace With Your Sexual Behaviors Does Not Mean You Have To Stop Them Completely.


Do You Feel Out Of Control Around Porn?

Have you tried to stop or decrease how much you’re watching, only to feel even more controlled by it?

You are certainly not alone. 

And your situation is not hopeless. We can work together to create a plan around porn that supports you. That might mean stopping, it might not! 

The most important thing is that you will gain your power back and you get to decide.

There Is A More Effective and Compassionate Approach

Let’s start by changing the way we talk about porn addiction. Yes, there are people who struggle with compulsive or what feels like out of control behavior around porn, but these struggles do not always mean addiction. 

Often it is the belief that someone has about their actions that is causing pain and the feelings of being out of control or addicted.

Addiction is such a heavy word that carries so much stigma! It can feel like a life sentence of no fun ever again. Porn watching, scrolling on cam sites or escort sites might have become a dependence that you can’t stand anymore, but shaming and punishing yourself is only going to make it worse. You’ve already suffered enough, haven’t you?

Real healing starts with curiosity and compassion. 

You can have choice and pleasure, in consuming or not consuming sexually explicit material. 


A Few Of The Many Benefits of Making Peace With Porn


No more watching your life dwindle away. Spend your time in ways that support who you want to be. And maybe include erotic media in a way that works for you.

Personal Power

You have CHOICE! Knowing that you are in control of your actions and your habits are NOT more powerful than you are, gives you a renewed sense of personal power and self-esteem.


Be able to accept your whole self, flaws and all. This lowers the volume of negative self talk, which raises your ability to pursue goals and personal growth.

Hi there, I'm Coach Julia

It breaks my heart to see people suffer around sexuality. Especially when I know that suffering is often rooted in bad science and sensationalized misinformation. But I have good news: there are treatments and strategies that work, and I have seen my clients achieve freedom and peace of mind.

When the focus is on “bad” behavior around porn, then porn becomes the focus and we might miss what is really going on. A lot of times, porn watching is a solution to a problem that has nothing to do with porn or addiction. In our work together we can get to the bottom of that and also design a life that really lights you up! 

A fundamental part of making positive changes and having them stick is having something fulfilling, exciting and life affirming to move toward. When making profound changes, humans need to have both moving toward and moving away goals. It is important to establish exciting and life affirming goals and dreams to move towards and to identify desired outcomes that encourage you to move away from behaviors you want to change.

It is about having sexual integrity and personal sovereignty.

How To Get Started With Your Make Peace with Porn Program

Step 1: Book Your Free Consultation

We'll meet on Zoom or a phone call for 30-45 minutes. You can ask or tell me anything and know if coaching is right for you.

Step 2: Get A Curated Coaching Plan

I will create a plan just for you. You'll have a plan and know what to expect from coaching. I will be with you every step of the way!

Step 3: Start Feeling Relieved and Confident

Once you've been able to really talk and get the right information, you gain new energy and optimism that you can take back control of your life.


I've been watching porn since I was in high school. I thought I was never going to be able to stop or be free of the hold it had on me. Now I am able to watch some and stop when I want to because I am clear about my values and what I want to do with my life and my limited time every day.
Paul V.
Sausalito, CA

Here's What You'll Get

Ready To Get Started?

You have what it takes!
You just need some support.

Imagine yourself in the not so distant future having control and personal power over your life and how you consume adult material. It is very possible for you. 

In the meantime remember: 

You are one step closer to setting yourself free. 


Sharing Your Secret Desires!

By following the tips in this guide, you will be one step closer to having the hot passion and connection you long for.